
What you should do every morning by to keep your house cool when it’s really hot


We are not all equal in the face of summer heat. While some endure the very hot and sunny days, others feel suffocated by the heat wave. The latter seems to be gaining momentum lately in various European countries. And many people experience it as an ordeal. Unless they are under the air conditioning or in the water, it is difficult for them to brave this heat which quickly ends up handicapping their daily lives. Between the continual sweating, the difficult nights and the general fatigue, there is something to fear the rest of the summer.

Don’t panic! To find comfort and well-being at home, we are going to give you some very useful tips. What should you do every morning to keep your home cool without even using the air conditioner? Here is a list of advice

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Woman suffering from heat in the house – Source: spm

Tips for cooling down at home: here’s what you should do every day?

For many people, the summer months quickly turn into a nightmare, especially during heat waves. When you can’t stand the heat, everyday life becomes very laborious: the smallest trivial activity can turn into a hell of a challenge. Therefore, most of them are looking for quick and easy ways to cool down, especially at home, where they spend a lot of time.

Obviously, the air conditioning remains on. most logical and easiest option to reduce the temperature in the different rooms of the house. Unfortunately, it is not the least expensive and it is certainly not by turning it on all day that you will save money. Especially since some are allergic to it and may quickly catch hay fever. In the middle of summer, it’s never pleasant! Still others may fall back on conventional ventilators. What if you don’t have either? Fortunately, there are other options if you don’t have such devices or want to reduce your monthly electricity bill.

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Open the windows in the morning – Source: spm

What should what to do if you don’t have an air conditioner or a fan?

There are alternatives that will allow you to cool your home if you don’t have an air conditioner or a fan? fan. These wise tips will also prevent you from consuming too much energy!

    1. Keep the lights off


As you know, light is one of the main sources of heat. And anyway, insofar as the summer days are very long, and the natural light is largely sufficient, it is better to turn off all your light bulbs in broad daylight. Less heat and more energy saving!

      1. Watch out for windows

Window material matters. If you have good insulation, the heat will enter the room less, which is really not negligible on very sunny days. And if this is not the case, we recommend that you install awnings on your windows to take advantage of better cooling.

Refresh the house

When you wake up, in the early hours of the morning, when it is not yet warm enough, we advise you to open the windows to ventilate the space. Same principle from the evening. But during the day, it would be wiser to close the shutters to prevent the heat from suffocating the interior environment of the house.


  • Drop the curtains and blinds

Is your room high up or very exposed to the sun from the early hours of the day? Leave the curtains drawn or the blinds closed. UV rays tend to warm the room immediately. Consider the orientation of your home to know when to open or close the curtains. A word of advice: only turn on the light in the bedroom if you really need it and above all make sure to turn it off as soon as you leave it. This will allow you to reduce monthly electricity costs!

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