
This is the most common worry among pet owners in the summer: pay attention to it

If you have a pet, you must be very vigilant about the behavior of your little companion. Your dog or cat may be the target of parasites or external dangers that can affect their well-being and health. If you notice that they have a different attitude or that they do not feel very well, your dog and your cat may be victims of bacteria that are interfering with their healthy development. With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperature, you must be even more attentive and monitor the habits of your four-legged friends.

Find out how to protect your dog and your cat during the summer season and follow these tips to protect them during this period of high heat.

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Dog walk – Source: spm

Your little four-legged friend can accompany you in your daily life and is often your most faithful friend. You probably feel unconditional love for your dog or you and your cat would do anything to keep it happy and healthy. To protect your pet, you must be careful in order to identify unusual behaviors of your companion. You may notice a few signs that may alert you and prompt you to take him to the vet or get him treatment. In fact, during the summer, your cat or dog has a higher risk of developing fleas, ticks or other parasites. There are more fleas and ticks from April to October so there are more cases of transmissible diseases.

In addition to external parasites, your dog can become more fragile at the onset of the hot summer weather. To protect your pet, make sure your dog or cat always has water available. You can also create a cool space in your home to accommodate it during the summer season. Take advantage of the cool morning air to take your walks with your pet. Prefer walks very early in the morning and very late in the evening. Be sure to mist your dog’s and cat’s skin on a fairly regular basis.

When Can Your Dog or Cat Catch lice or fleas ?

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A dog and a cat – Source: spm

Ticks and fleas can cause itching in your dog and cat. Some animals are allergic and even develop flea allergy dermatitis (DAPP). These parasites can cause various diseases, severe itching, scabs or even hair loss. This happens more frequently in summer or spring during warm seasons.

What are the risks for dogs and cats of having fleas?

A scratching dog – Source: spm

When fleas and Ticks attack dogs and cats, they feed on their blood and can cause redness, pimples and itching. Parasites can be vectors of serious diseases such as Lyme disease, leishmaniasis or piroplasmosis or ehrlichiosis . Fleas and ticks can carry tapeworm which upsets their digestive tract. With the itching, your dog will scratch but also chew it to eliminate fleas. The latter can lay 20 eggs per day and biting your dog may swallow some. This will lead to a contamination called tapeworm. If your dog contracts this disease, you may notice grains of rice around your dog’s anus and also in his stool. By licking itself, the cat can also ingest fleas and as they contain larvae, it will contaminate its intestine. The cat is then infested with worms and this can be very serious.

To protect your dog from an infestation ticks and fleas, you can use products such as “spot-on” pipettes, pest control collars, sprays or even shampoos. These products are very effective against ticks and fleas.

If your dog is infested, its environment must also be treated. You must disinfect your home with insecticidal products to kill flea eggs, larvae or nymphs. If you have a garden, remember to throw away all the dead leaves because the parasites could settle there.

You must also make an appointment with your veterinarian to take care of your dog. For your cat, you must do the same for the treatment of your interior and consult a veterinarian immediately. In the event of a parasitic infestation, the cat may receive anti-flea products such as collars, tablets, pipettes or even lotions.

The veterinarian carries out a diagnosis of your animal and provides it with the antiparasitic care adapted to its needs. He offers you a product that corresponds to the nature and severity of your pet’s parasitic infestation.

Read also Where can you leave your cat or dog behind when you go on vacation? 8 possible solutions