
The month of August 2022 will bring great happiness to these 4 zodiac signs: they will realize their dreams

This summer will be synonymous with joy and cheerfulness for the natives of the 4 zodiac signs. Indeed, the energy of Mercury in the sign of Leo, and Venus in the same sign of Fire, will allow them to realize their dreams during this summer month. They will receive good news at work, and will have the chance to find love. Discover the 4 signs of the zodiac who will experience moments of joy and pleasure during the month of August.

Happiness will accompany the natives of the 4 signs of the zodiac during the month of August. They will have the chance to realize their dreams, and will experience good times at work, but also in their love life.

What are the 4 zodiac signs that will experience happiness during the month of August?

From 19 July to August 4, Mercury, planet of intelligence and business, transits through the ambitious sign of Leo. Mercury in Leo promotes our self-confidence and endows us with an energy favorable to the achievement of our professional goals. Our communication becomes more fluid, and we manage to defend our ideas brilliantly. After Leo, Mercury will transit through the sign of Virgo. An ambitious and perfectionist sign who knows how to achieve his goals and succeed in his business. The entry of Venus, planet of love, into the sign of Leo, the 11 August, promotes romantic encounters and rose water stories.

This configuration August will be favorable for the natives of these 4 zodiac signs.


    Cancer. Source: spm

    The entry of Mercury into the sign of Virgo allows the Cancer to get out of their comfort zone. This sign, which is usually shy and reserved, can highlighting his talents and his know-how. The energy of Mercury allows him to succeed in his work and defend brilliantly his creative ideas. That said, the native of this sign will be able during the month of August to realize his dreams and achieve the professional success to which he aspired. This success will allow him to increase his popularity at work, and improve his finances. On the love side, this sensitive and emotional Water sign will be able to emerge from celibacy during the month of August. A chance meeting will give birth to a real love story.

    • Lion

    • Lion.

      Lion. Source: spm

      The native of this sign will be able during the month of August to follow its ambitions and aspirations. Stubborn and determined by nature, he will fervently defend his ideas and will even manage to have them approved within the hierarchy. This sign of Fire will not only be able to work on the projects that are close to his heart, but also to succeed in them, thanks to his sense of leadership. Good cash flow will await the Lion during the month of August. Also, Venus in the sign of Leo will allow the native of this sign to be more enterprising in love, and to the first step when a person pleases him.

      • Virgin

      • Virgin. Source: spm

        During the month of August, all Virgo projects will go well. Mercury will allow her to succeed in the implementation of her projects, and to manage her time well, although she is overwhelmed with work. The native of this sign will also feel fulfilled in his work, and for good reason, he will be able to engage in new activities and professional experiences that will allow him to break the monotony of work. During this month of August, Venus will allow this Earth sign to make pleasant encounters that will brighten up their summer.

        • Balance

        • Cancer

          Balance. Source: spm

          Venus in Leo will endow Libra with charisma and an aura that will make her irresistible. She will therefore be able to attract in her nets the person who will make her heart beat. The native of this sign will live during this month of August a beautiful romantic idyll that will make him forget the disappointments of the past. This Air sign will also know good days at work. During this month, he will be able to negotiate his projects with disconcerting ease, and moreover obtain the approval of his hierarchical superior. Libra will also be able to realize their professional goals and achieve the professional rise they dreamed of. Indeed, she will be able to improve her professional status, and access high positions.

          Read also What will the month of August look like according to your astrological sign? 2 zodiac signs will have big surprises