
The flight attendant’s secret to packing without wrinkling your clothes


To go on vacation, there’s nothing like good organization and a good travel bag. The ideal is to prepare your trip in advance so as not to have any surprises or unforeseen events on arrival. In addition, the efficient and methodical storage of the suitcase is essential to optimize the space to protect the most fragile clothes without creasing them.

If you are going on vacation for a long period, it is important not to clutter up your suitcase too much and only take what you need in your luggage. Although it can be tedious, there are simple and effective solutions to pack your bags without ruining your life. Discover this tip from flight attendants to make your travel bags without wrinkling your clothes.

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Traveling with your suitcase. Source: spm

What is this trick to pack your bags without wrinkling your clothes?

It can be unpleasant to pack your bags with folded clothes and discover on arrival at your vacation spot that they are already crumpled up. To avoid getting into this embarrassing situation, you can follow this trick. Thus, your garments will remain intact.

Wear heavy and bulky clothes on the day of your departure

To make your suitcase light and less cluttered, remember to wear the heaviest clothes and the most cumbersome the day you leave on vacation. This allows you to lighten your suitcase and not crush lighter clothes that could end up more wrinkled.

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Pack up. Source: spm

Here are some other tips for doing your suitcase without wrinkling your clothes

These tips allow you to avoid surprises when opening your suitcase when you arrive on vacation.

Follow a specific order to store your clothes in your suitcase

To keep your suitcase organized and your folded and ironed clothes intact, put them in a specific order. For example, put your heavy clothes like jeans and jackets at the bottom of your travel bag. Then gradually add lighter clothes such as t-shirts, sweaters, skirts or even shirts.

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Roll up the clothes. Source: spm

–Recpack your clothes in your suitcase

To prevent your clothes from being wrinkled, once you arrive at your destination, you can roll them up carefully before putting them on in your suitcase. For tops, sweaters and other t-shirts, fold the sleeves up, bringing them towards the inside of the garment. For pants or jeans, just roll them inward from the bottom. So that your garment does not wrinkle, it is advisable to smooth it out as you roll it up, to avoid creases.

Fill in the blanks created by the clothes in your suitcase

Once you are done packing your light and heavy clothes into your suitcase , you can now fill all the small empty spaces in your suitcase by placing your folded underwear and your socks and all your small fragile objects.

Use a large suitcase for your clothes

If you go on vacation, try to leave with the bare minimum in your luggage. You don’t have to leave with a suitcase filled to the brim for a few days. Instead, use a large suitcase where you will have enough space to put all your clothes. They will not be piled up and wrinkled when you arrive.

To avoid unpleasant surprises during your trip and end up with wrinkled clothes, you can take a portable garment steamer in your luggage which remains efficient and easier to carry on the go.

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