
Why should a clove of garlic be planted in a plant pot? The magic trick of gardeners

Garlic is a source of invaluable benefits but can also have unsuspected uses in gardening. Did you know that this pod plant could be useful for your flower pots? This trick has an effect on your plants that you would be wrong to do without.

Garlic is the enemy of insects and larvae thanks to its repellent effect. Not to spoil anything, it increases the immunity of indoor plants and helps to quickly disinfect the soil of flower pots.

Pots de fleurs

Flower pots – Source: spm

You can enjoy the benefits of garlic in flower pots.

For this, it is enough to cut a clove of garlic into several pieces, then place it in the flowerpot. The effects are visible within a few weeks. For a good protection of the flowers, this procedure must be repeated every two months for a perfect maintenance of your plants.

Outils de jardinage

Gardening tools – Source: spm

One of the best gardening tips is to cut off the tops of dead flowers so that the plant can grow new ones. There are two types of flowering plants: those that flower once and then go dormant and those that flower continuously. Many balcony and pot plants belong to this and show their splendor from summer and often until the first cool temperatures of autumn.

Grow the plants

By cutting off the faded flowers, the plant grows to produce offspring. If you remove the flower heads from her, she will quickly produce new buds to maintain the natural cycle.

Cutting is not necessary for all plants

Not all plants need to have dead flowers removed to form new ones. The petunia is the perfect example. As explained by the Section of Young Plants (FGJ) of the Central Horticultural Association, these flowers should be cleaned when wilted, which is not necessary for the variety of magic bells.

3 tips for top indoor plants

Boosted growth

Water your plants with the water used to cook vegetables and boiled eggs, cooled and unsalted, to offer them a full of minerals and vitamins.

Aphids hunted

Add 1 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil to the soil of your plants to drive out aphids and other small parasites that compromise their well-being.

Radiant plants

Soak a soft cloth with a mixture of 25 cl of blond beer and 25 cl of water, then gently polish the leaves of your plants: the carbohydrates in the beer make them shine naturally.

Read also Plant a coin in your plant pots: no one expects this great result