
Put This In Your Toilet Cistern: It’s The Secret To Smelling Toilets


Bad odors can be a recurring problem in toilets. Despite regular maintenance, these can be persistent and bothersome. Discover a cheap, simple and ingenious trick to get rid of them for a long time.

Sometimes, bad odors can be stubborn and represent a real daily problem. Fortunately, an unstoppable technique can help you fight against this inconvenience that you could do without!

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Clean toilets – source: spm

This trick is not only useful for disinfecting but also for scenting your toilets.

For this you will need liquid hand soap, baking soda and mint flavored toothpaste. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, in the amount of one tablespoon. Stir the mixture until you get a homogeneous preparation. Pour it into a plastic bag and tie it tightly. Then, drill approximately holes in the plastic bag with a needle. Place the bag in the toilet tank. It will perfume your toilet for a few days.

Other tips to make sure your toilet always smells good

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Open the toilet bowl – source: spm

Beyond using this toothpaste, baking soda, and soap paste, there are other ingenious methods that will get rid of bad toilet odors.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the best remedies to get rid of bad toilet odors. You can pour a small bowl filled with baking soda into the bowl and voila!

White vinegar

White vinegar is an ideal natural ingredient for performing various cleaning tasks, including removing bad odours. Thanks to its disinfectant action, it will not only thoroughly clean the toilets but also deodorize the surface.

Ventilate the toilet daily bathroom

Ventilate the toilets for at least 20 minutes is essential to avoid bad smells.

· Dry the towels well

Due to humidity, towels can accumulate molds. This is why it is important to dry them well after use.

· Make your own air freshener

To make your toilet smell good, you can make your own homemade air freshener. Dilute a few drops of your favorite essential oil and mix it with a little water. Place the mixture in a bottle fitted with a sprayer and spray the ambient air with this solution.

Laundry Detergent

Simply pour a trickle of this product into the tank so that the detergent deodorizes the toilet. So every time you flush the toilet, its fragrance will be released and the whole bathroom will smell very pleasant.

Read alsoJust put some toothpaste in the toilet: it’s the solution to a problem we all have