Gum Bleaching Is An Outdated, Painful, And Ineffective Dental Treatment
Gum bleaching has been around since the mid-1800s when doctors noticed that fair-skinned people had more melanin in their gums than people with darker complexions did. They realized that the gum tissue of dark-skinned people was probably what gave them their darker complexions and that removing the pigment would make their teeth appear brighter and whiter, so they began using chemicals to remove it.
What Is This Treatment?
Dentists used to bleach the gums in order to lighten their color. This treatment is ineffective and causes a lot of pain. Not only does it not work, but it’s also horribly outdated. Gum bleaching is how dentists would try to remove gum pigmentation in the past — the keyword there being tried. Using painful lasers, dentists would literally burn away an entire layer of the gum tissue in the hopes of getting rid of the melanocytes (which produce…
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Can Bleached Gums Become Darker Again?
The answer to this question is yes. If you are planning on getting your gums bleached, be prepared for the fact that the procedure will only last around six months. After that time has passed, the pigmentation in your gums can start to come back — they will turn their original color or even darker than before. In addition, it is important to note that there are certain factors that can affect how long your gums stay lighter after a bleaching treatment (such as smoking). To keep your new brighter smile for longer, it’s recommended that you quit smoking and maintain proper dental hygiene by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly.
Why Should You Avoid This Treatment?
Gum bleaching is a procedure that involves using a laser to kill the melanocytes in the gum tissue. We know what you’re thinking: Why should I avoid this treatment? The answer is simple: it’s outdated, painful, and ineffective. Gum bleaches were first introduced back in the early 1990s when dentists were looking for ways to decrease pigmentation on the gums. What they quickly realized was that laser treatments would not only lighten the color of gum tissue but also thin it out as well.
What Are Some Other Options?
Bleaching your teeth is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. There are a variety of bleaches available to whiten teeth at home. These treatments are less expensive than professional dental treatments and can be found at most drugstores. A common alternative to tooth bleaching is teeth whitening strips that contain peroxide or baking soda. Teeth whitening strips can be bought online or in the store and are easy to use by placing them on your teeth for 20 minutes every day. At-home treatments can be done quickly before work, school, or even before going out on the town! And since you’re not visiting the dentist’s office for these treatments, it may feel more convenient too!