
Getting the Most Out of Prima Secure

Prima Secure is an authentication platform you might have heard of if you’re building a website or mobile app. Aside from having the most comprehensive contract with studios, the company claims to be the world’s most secure company. How did it become so popular and what is it?

Authenticating biometrically

An effective way to prevent identity theft is through biometric authentication. Certain industries benefit from it, but there are some downsides. In the first place, biometric data is not always accurate. Attackers can replicate fingerprints or capture iris images to gain access to fingerprint-secured devices.

By eliminating the need for access cards or passwords, biometric authentication reduces unauthorized access to computer networks and facilities. The technology is becoming increasingly popular in commercial sectors, as well as in financial institutions, which are using it more frequently to combat account takeovers. Among U.S. consumers, most prefer biometric authentication to password-based authentication, according to a recent survey by Visa.

In addition to its ease of use, biometric authentication has another advantage. Human error can be reduced by its ease of learning and implementation. It is difficult for visually impaired users or people who cannot read traditional authentication methods such as passwords. Hence, biometric authentication can serve a broader user group and facilitate greater inclusion.

The use of voice recognition as a biometric authentication method is also popular. It is possible to authenticate a user by listening to the sound of their voice. An individual’s voice is characterized by their vocal tract length and laryngeal shape. There is less use of this kind of biometric authentication than facial or iris recognition, but it is extremely accurate. Biometric authentication is used on most consumer devices, including smartphones.

As a method of identity verification, biometric authentication is reliable and secure. Biological characteristics are compared with stored data about an individual. The system confirms the user’s identity when the two samples match and prevents unauthorized access. The most effective and safest method of verifying identity is biometric authentication.

From accounts to gates and doors, biometric authentication is widely used. In multifactor authentication strategies, it has become increasingly popular. The user experience is simple while the authentication challenge is strong.


Its Information Security Management System has been certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Information security management systems are required to establish, maintain, and continuously improve. Assessment and mitigation of security risks are included in this process. Additionally, employees are trained and provided with awareness sessions. In doing so, the company is demonstrating its commitment to a safe working environment. Organizations can also achieve best practices through this certification.

According to the DOJ, the system complies with information security requirements. Access to PIV cards is restricted, names are attributed to individuals, and test and training accounts are not allowed. A contractor’s contract will also contain provisions regarding privacy and information security. By doing all of this, outside users are guaranteed to have access to secure information.

As an additional feature, PRIMA allows users to upload data. Data transformations and integrations are also recorded in the system, ensuring that the data is current and correctly ingested. Also, the front-end interface allows user-imported data as well as data imported from Relativity. PRIMA supports data integrations as well as collaboration. Information can be shared in a secure environment without exposing sensitive or proprietary information using the collaboration feature.

The E-Government Act and Security Authorization Process ensure PRIMA’s protection in addition to these requirements. Hosting the software on a secure network is both environmentally and physically secure. The system can only be accessed by DOJ-approved individuals. An agreement regarding rules of behavior and confidentiality must be signed by users before they can receive access to the system. Security training and regular background checks ensure compliance with public trust policies. The need-to-know basis also applies to access to specific databases. Moreover, all users must use PIV authentication to log in.

Companies requiring photo ID cards should consider Prima 8. DESFire, MIFARE, and contact chip encoding options are available in its flexible software. There are also UV-printing options available. As well as fluorescing panels and dye-sublimation UV ink ribbons, it offers a variety of color ribbons. Under ultraviolet light, invisible graphics become red, providing an invisible security element.