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Twitter is one of the most popular websites and even microblogging platforms. But it has gained immense popularity. Large corporations are appearing on Twitter and there are many home MLM business owners.


How can network marketers benefit from Twitter?


Twitter is a microblogging site where you communicate with others using up to 140 characters. It looks and feels very claustrophobic and bulky. However, don’t be fooled. Twitter can be a very powerful marketing tool for your network marketing business. However, it is important to understand and appreciate that Twitter is a social media site. And like all social media sites. A strategy is essential to help you get your message across and connect with influencers in your area.


Twitter marketing for MLM business owners is like promoting your home business on Facebook; Follow similar rules and be sociable and communicative.


When used correctly by business owners, Twitter network marketing can and should do two things:


Network and connect with business partners and potential customers.

Spread your message and let the Twitter world know about you and your brand, values, products and services.

When most home business owners use twitter video views paypal marketing for MLM, they tend to broadcast individually and never interact with anyone. After all this, they were surprised if their results were very unsatisfactory. And they don’t generate Twitter MLM leads or build links.


To get the most out of Twitter for your home business. It is important to connect with people in your target audience. Find what they’re looking for and share with them information they care about (not you) Think of Twitter Marketing for MLM Success as a corporate cocktail party. Want to go on a forum and start preaching about how great your network marketing business opportunity is or how great your product is? Twitter is a social media site and you should treat it as such in everything you do. Connect with people and share values ​​and ideas. And learn more about them.


Marketing your MLM business on Twitter is just a few basic steps:


Find and connect with leads (influencers) and potential customers on your channel How do you find these leads? You can use free Twitter tools like and These free Twitter tools will help you gain Twitter followers. There are other Twitter marketing tools and software that you can use to automatically increase your friends and followers. and automate your Twitter marketing strategy.


Communicate and connect with others Be sure to share and share content that interests them. And network with them. This content should be valuable and not promote self-promotion (not yet).


Join ongoing conversations and add value. You want to be part of society, act and attract attention. Again, you don’t want to promote yourself… just add value. Click here for how is social media used for market research.


Repeat daily and follow up to 20 leads per day (or more if possible).

This is the basic framework to follow when using Twitter marketing for MLM success.


A lot of people get frustrated because there’s a lot of spam on Twitter and they can’t seem to really connect with people. A lot of people on Twitter seem to be marketing. Don’t get discouraged… Be social and answer questions about your industry. Develop relationships and find out what people are saying about you, your company and your products/services on Twitter. You can use different tools for this. In future articles I will talk about tools to help you market your MLM. Business, yours on Twitter


What is tweeting about and how does it help your network marketing business?


I already said that you should share valuable content. But not sure what to tweet about?


You should tweet about something that is relevant to your audience. If you’ve done market research (you should), then you know what your target audience is looking for. You know what kind of information they want to read and what problems they want to solve. It’s all about solving other people’s problems. This is why you own a network marketing business.