
Classify the following phase changes by the signs of the system\ ‘s δh and δs.

Classify the following phase changes by the signs of the system\ ‘s δh and δs. to the transitions that a substance undergoes from one physical state to another, such as from solid to liquid or from gas to liquid. These changes occur due to changes in the temperature or pressure of the system. Phase changes are a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and have significant implications for various industrial and environmental processes.

What are the thermodynamic properties of a system?

The thermodynamic properties of a system are the properties that determine its state and behavior. These include temperature, pressure, internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy. These properties are related to each other through the laws of thermodynamics, which govern the behavior of energy and matter in the universe.

What is enthalpy (δH)?

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic property that represents the total heat content of a system at constant pressure. It is expressed as δH and is defined as the sum of the internal energy of the system and the product of pressure and volume. Enthalpy is a state function, meaning it depends only on the initial and final states of the system, and not on the path taken between them.

What is entropy (δS)?

Entropy is a thermodynamic property that represents the degree of disorder or randomness of a system. It is expressed as δS and is defined as the amount of heat energy that is transferred from a system to its surroundings during a reversible process at constant temperature. Entropy is also a state function and is related to the number of microstates that a system can have.

What is the relationship between enthalpy and entropy?

Enthalpy and entropy are related through the Gibbs free energy equation, which states that:


where ΔG is the change in Gibbs free energy, ΔH is the change in enthalpy, ΔS is the change in entropy, and T is the temperature. This equation shows that the spontaneity of a process depends on the sign of ΔG, which in turn depends on the signs of ΔH and ΔS. If ΔG is negative, the process is spontaneous, while if ΔG is positive, the process is non-spontaneous.

Endothermic phase changes and their signs.

Endothermic phase changes are those that require energy input to occur. These include melting, vaporization, and sub

For example, melting is an endothermic phase change that occurs when a solid is heated to its melting point and transitions to a liquid. The sign of δH for melting is positive, indicating that heat is absorbed by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also positive, indicating that the system becomes more disordered as the solid transitions to a liquid.

Exothermic phase changes and their signs.

Exothermic phase changes are those that release energy into the surroundings. These include freezing, condensation, and deposition. The signs of δH and δS for exothermic phase changes are negative, indicating that the system loses heat and becomes more ordered during the process.

For example, freezing is an exothermic phase change that occurs when a liquid is cooled to its freezing point and transitions to a solid. The sign of δH for freezing is negative, indicating that heat is released by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also negative, indicating that the system becomes more ordered as the liquid transitions to a solid.

Vaporization and its sign of δH and δS.

Vaporization is an endothermic phase change that occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point and transitions to a gas. The sign of δH for vaporization is positive, indicating that heat is absorbed by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also positive, indicating that the system becomes more disordered as the liquid transitions to a gas.

Condensation and its sign of δH and δS.

Condensation is an exothermic phase change that occurs when a gas is cooled to its condensation point and transitions to a liquid. The sign of δH for condensation is negative, indicating that heat is released by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also negative, indicating that the system becomes more ordered as the gas transitions to a liquid.

Fusion and its sign of δH and δS.

Fusion, also known as melting, is an endothermic phase change that occurs when a solid is heated to its melting point and transitions to a liquid. The sign of δH for fusion is positive, indicating that heat is absorbed by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also positive, indicating that the system becomes more disordered as the solid transitions to a liquid.

Freezing and its sign of δH and δS.

Freezing is an exothermic phase change that occurs when a liquid is cooled to its freezing point and transitions to a solid. The sign of δH for freezing is negative, indicating that heat is released by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also negative, indicating that the system becomes more ordered as the liquid transitions to a solid.

Sublimation and its sign of δH and δS.

Sublimation is an endothermic phase change that occurs when a solid transitions directly to a gas without passing through the liquid phase. The sign of δH for sublimation is positive, indicating that heat is absorbed by the system during the process. The sign of δS is also positive, indicating that the system becomes more disordered as the solid transitions to a gas.

Deposition and its sign of δH and δS.

Deposition is an exothermic phase change that occurs when a gas transitions directly to a solid without passing through the liquid phase

Relevance of the signs of δH and δS in real-life applications.

The signs of δH and δS are important in various industrial and environmental processes. For example, in refrigeration systems, the phase changes of refrigerant gases are used to cool a space. The sign of δH for the evaporation of the refrigerant is positive, indicating that heat is absorbed from the surroundings to cause the phase change. The sign of δH for the condensation of the refrigerant is negative, indicating that heat is released to the surroundings to complete the phase change.

In the chemical industry, the signs of δH and δS are used to predict the feasibility of a reaction. If the ΔG of a reaction is negative, the reaction is spontaneous, and the reaction will occur without the need for additional energy input. If the ΔG of a reaction is positive, the reaction is non-spontaneous, and additional energy input is required to drive the reaction forward.


In conclusion, phase changes are important processes that occur in the physical world and are associated with changes in energy and entropy of the system. The signs of δH and δS can be used to predict the conditions under which these phase changes occur and are important in various industrial and environmental processes. Understanding the signs of δH and δS is crucial for understanding the behavior of energy and matter in the universe.