
Mix lemon zest and baking soda: it’s the perfect solution to the fridge’s biggest problem


To keep your refrigerator always clean, it is important to maintain it regularly. This appliance remains in permanent operation and requires a minimum of attention in order to avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

To clean your refrigerator, soapy water may be sufficient. But to completely eliminate all the encrusted bacteria that generate unpleasant odors, natural ingredients such as baking soda or even lemon zest are necessary. Find out how to use them.

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Smelly fridge – Source: spm

Baking soda and lemon zest for a clean refrigerator

It is not uncommon to deal with a lingering odor even after cleaning your appliance. Thethe presence of food residues inside the refrigerator can be the source of foul odours. With this homemade air freshener, you can say goodbye to annoying odors.

– Baking soda and lemon zest to deodorize your fridge

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To prepare this natural air freshener, mix one cup of baking soda with two tablespoons of lemon zest. Place the mixture in a cup covered with cling film in which you make small holes. It is possible to replace the lemon with another citrus fruit such as orange or tangerine.

For optimal effectiveness of baking soda, mix it with lemon juice and spray this solution inside the fridge to get rid of lingering odours. You can thus eliminate even the most persistent bad odors.

There are other ways to make your fridge smell fresh again and chances are you have what you’re looking for. you need to try them. Here is a selection of effective home remedies.

– Coffee grounds neutralize odors in your refrigerator

To use this economical and ecological method, you will need coffee grounds. for a few days. Place the coffee grounds in a bowl then place on a shelf of your refrigerator.

– Vanilla pods to neutralize odors in the fridge

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Vanilla bean – Source: spm

Vanilla pods are very effective in overcoming bad smells. Just put a few on absorbent paper and put them on a shelf in the fridge. Vanilla will act as a deodorant and its fragrance will reduce bad odors in your fridge.

– Activated carbon for eliminating bad smells from the refrigerator

Activated carbon has remarkable absorption characteristics that are excellent for eliminating bad smells from the refrigerator. To use it, place a few pieces in cups that you will place in your refrigerator. You can find it without toxic flammable additives, in pharmacies or in pet stores.

To prevent bad odors from settling in your fridge, remember to clean it regularly and favor airtight containers to keep your food fresh.

Read also8 tips to keep your fridge tidy