
3 Zodiac Signs Will Be In Trouble Before Summer Ends: Nothing Will Go As Planned

If the end of summer is mild for certain signs, it will be unfavorable for three signs of the zodiac who will experience a troubled period. And for good reason, they will live days punctuated with annoyances because of the retrogradation of Saturn in Aquarius which can lead them to feel anxiety.

Negative emotions can take hold of three zodiac profiles during the month of August. They will feel weakened by annoyances that seem to follow each other throughout this period. They will have to show courage and resilience to overcome the latter without too many consequences.

Which zodiac signs will be in trouble at the end of summer?

If this period is often marked by summer joys, it will be far from being festive for three zodiac profiles. In question, the retrogradation of Saturn in Aquarius which could cause annoyances making doubt the signs in question. They will therefore experience turbulence that will occur in different spheres of their lives. This problematic astral configuration will take place until October. The astrological signs that may be plagued by various questions will have to be careful not to make decisions based on impulsiveness. If Saturn in Aquarius could be at the origin of a certain pessimism, Mercury in Cancer risks provoking an unpleasant hypersensitivity which tends towards susceptibility. Mars in Taurus could also impact the emotions of the three signs who will have to accept these sometimes painful states of mind. The latter will be able to initiate conflicts that will impact their unpleasant moods until the end of the summer and they will have to give themselves time to cross this wave.


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Aries – Source: spm

If this Fire sign, known for its impulsiveness, is likely to experience a troubled period, it is because of its impulsiveness, which will increase during the end of summer. His irritability may cause a conflict with the hierarchy or a co-worker. The retrogradation of Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus is likely to be the cause of a feeling of immobility which will make this native of Fire eager. It is for this reason that he may be furious with those who cause his frustration and this will impact those close to him. This zodiac profile will be plagued by doubts about his professional life, which he will consider unfulfilling due to astral movements. Aries will enter into a deep introspection which will be not very fruitful since it will be essentially based on anxiety. He may experience deep negative feelings such as lack of self-esteem. To get through these complex days, he will have to seek the help of caring people and know how to surround himself. This approach will allow him to put his thoughts in order and put things into perspective.



Gemini – Source: spm

This zodiac profile known for its versatility is likely to have a rocky mood until the end of summer. He may be plagued by doubt and insecurity, feelings that push him to isolate himself. He will experience complex relational situations where he may feel persecuted. Mercury, which has left its sign, and the retrogradation of Saturn can impact its productivity at work and its desire to surpass itself. This chronic fatigue will push him to discouragement while he is distinguished by his will to move. To get through this problematic period which will last two months, he will have to listen to his feelings and not give in to the sirens of despair. The love life of this Air sign may also be impacted by these problematic astral configurations. He may feel prey to the loneliness caused by a celibacy that he considers suffered. As a couple, conflicts will color this complex period on the relational level and make Gemini feel guilty. If he does not show discernment, he could cause a rupture that he is far from wanting to initiate. He should spare his partner’s feelings during this troubled time.



303062Capricorn – Source: spm

This Earth sign under the influence of Saturn in Aquarius may not recognize himself during this complex astral period for him. This usually stable zodiac profile may feel turned upside down by emotions that he forbids himself to feel. Among them, anxiety, doubt about his life choices and a thought of self-flagellation. He will feel guilty for feeling negative moods while he often leaves little room for introspection in favor of rigor and of self-discipline. Capricorn will have to show courage to face this tornado of feelings caused by a deterioration in their life as a couple. He may feel nostalgia for a romantic relationship from the past that marked him and that he is not ready to forget. He is advised to allow himself rest because a period of overwork may await him during these troubled days tinged with annoyances. Sometimes, giving yourself the time to live without demanding anything from yourself allows you to recharge your batteries.

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