
The July 28 New Moon Will Change The Lives Of These 3 Zodiac Signs


If the new Moon announces a new beginning for certain signs, two others will not be housed in the same boat. This astral movement will occur on 20 July and is characterized by the lunar body which is at the same distance between the Sun and the Earth.

From 20 July, the lunar star enters Leo, which could be a bad omen for two zodiacal profiles. They will feel tested and discouraged by the vagaries of everyday life. They will have to show resilience so as not to create damage around them.

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Anger. Source: spm

Which zodiac signs experience setbacks new moon of 100 July?

While this Moon in Leo may bring self-assurance and self-confidence to certain signs of the zodiac, this astral movement will bring opposite energy to zodiac profiles. They may experience stress and anxiety in an amplified way and see negative events occur in their lives. Fatigue can seize them and push them to initiate conflicts . This drop in speed may be felt at work where they will feel like they are losing ground. Their daily life will be punctuated with annoyances and they may have the impression of being misunderstood by their peers. To get through this period, they will have to put their well-being first and do what makes them feel good. Sometimes being attentive to your needs is not a sign of selfishness but rather of self-love, a necessary feeling when everything seems to be turning against you.


” alt=”Capricorne” width=”730″ height=”422″ aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-342920″ data-sizes=”(max-width: 730px) 100vw, 730px” data-src=”” data-srcset=” 730w,×173.jpg 300w” />

Capricorn. Source: spm

If this Earth sign, which is characterized by its rigor and seriousness, risks facing to serious problems as of 20 July, it’s because his professional sphere may pose a problem for him. And for good reason, tensions at work risk undermining his morale and he will not know which way to turn. He will also feel a loss of vital momentum which demotivates him in the accomplishment of his projects. He will be able to go through a real existential crisis that will make him question his future but also his abilities. Contrary to usual, he will be on edge and will be able to take events very seriously. To get through this troubled period, this zodiac profile is advised to put their problems on paper to put their ailments into words. With this gesture, he quickly realizes that this is a transitional period that he will have to go through by taking some distance from his thoughts.


” alt=”Scorpion” width=”730″ height=”557″ aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-342919″ data-sizes=”(max-width: 730px) 100vw, 730px” data-src=”” data-srcset=” 730w,×229.jpg 300w” />

Scorpio. Source: spm

Like Capricorn, Scorpio, however determined, will be tormented by intense stress and anxieties which increase over time. The Moon in Leo can push him to make a somewhat pessimistic assessment of his life. This sign, however persevering and hardworking, will have lost its vital momentum because it will have devoted itself entirely to the task for a few months already . He will have the impression of not being appreciated at his fair value at work and bogged down in a gloom that will undermine his morale. If there is a heart to take, the loneliness will weigh him down more and he will despair of meeting his other half. As a couple, he can blame his failures on his partner who will feel disconcerted by Scorpio’s phenomenal outbursts of anger. To get through this complex period on a personal level, he will have to learn to assert himself and not be too demanding of himself. Moments of questioning and doubt are part of life and the state of wholeness is never linear. He will have to be careful not to attack those closest to him but on the contrary to seek their benevolence to move forward.

The New Moon of 28 July could affect another zodiac sign

If Capricorn and Scorpio are likely to be negatively impacted by the New Moon in Leo, another zodiac profile may suffer the setbacks of this astral configuration.

Aquarius” alt=”Verseau” width=”730″ height=”566″ aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-342918″ data-sizes=”(max-width: 730px) 100vw, 730px” data-src=”” data-srcset=” 730w,×233.jpg 300w” />

Aquarius. Source: spm

If this freedom-loving Air sign experiences trouble during this month of summer is because he will feel trapped in an unpleasant situation. Conflicts with relatives can plunge him into a disconcerting silence. In full introspection, he wishes to isolate himself to ask questions about his future. His low morale may worry those around him, ready to help him get back on track. Only, Aquarius wants more than anything to put their ideas in order to better move forward. His thoughts are bubbling and he will feel tormented by anxiety about the future. He will have to allow himself some rest so as not to become exhausted. Taking a break and giving yourself moments to recharge your batteries is necessary for Aquarius, on the verge of overwork. He will have to learn to say no to solicitations that risk exhausting him morally. Let him be reassured, this is only a transitional period before he can start again with a vengeance.

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