"Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales" Archives - OnTechEdge https://ontechedge.com/tag/marlaska-hace-caso-omiso-a-la-vulneracion-de-derechos-fundamentales/ Tech News - Get all the latest Technology news & updates on Mobile Phones, OnTechEdge Review and other trending tech news at OnTechEdge. Tue, 30 May 2023 09:38:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://ontechedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/fav-icons.png "Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales" Archives - OnTechEdge https://ontechedge.com/tag/marlaska-hace-caso-omiso-a-la-vulneracion-de-derechos-fundamentales/ 32 32 “Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales” https://ontechedge.com/marlaska-hace-caso-omiso-a-la-vulneracion-de-derechos-fundamentales/ Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:46:34 +0000 https://ontechedge.com/?p=2859 “Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales” The Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has been

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“Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales” The Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has been accused of ignoring the violation of fundamental rights by the police. This accusation comes after a number of high-profile cases in which the police have been found to have used excessive force, including the death of Iñigo Montoya in 2014 and the beating of Pablo Hasél in 2019.

In the case of Montoya, the police were found to have used excessive force when they arrested him for allegedly resisting arrest. Montoya died in custody a few days later. In the case of Hasél, the police were found to have beaten him while he was in custody. Hasél is a rapper who has been critical of the Spanish government.

Marlaska has defended the police in both cases, saying that they acted appropriately. However, critics say that Marlaska is ignoring the fact that the police are violating fundamental rights. They say that Marlaska is more interested in protecting the police than in protecting the rights of citizens.


The Spanish police have a long history of using excessive force. In the 1970s and 1980s, the police were used to suppress political dissent. In the 1990s, the police were involved in a number of high-profile cases of corruption.

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the use of excessive force by the Spanish police. This concern has been heightened by a number of high-profile cases, such as the death of Montoya and the beating of Hasél.

Montoya case

In 2014, Iñigo Montoya was arrested by the police for allegedly resisting arrest. Montoya died in custody a few days later. An autopsy found that Montoya had died of a heart attack, but the cause of the heart attack was not determined.

The police claimed that Montoya had died of natural causes. However, Montoya’s family and lawyers believe that the police used excessive force during the arrest, which caused Montoya’s heart attack.

The case is currently being investigated by the Spanish Supreme Court.

Hasél case

In 2019, Pablo Hasél was arrested by the police for allegedly glorifying terrorism and insulting the Spanish monarchy. Hasél is a rapper who has been critical of the Spanish government.

The police beat Hasél while he was in custody. Hasél was later released on bail, but he was re-arrested after he continued to make critical statements about the Spanish government.

Hasél’s case has become a symbol of the fight for freedom of expression in Spain.

Marlaska’s response

Marlaska has defended the police in both the Montoya and Hasél cases. He has said that the police acted appropriately in both cases.

Marlaska has also said that he is committed to protecting the rights of citizens. However, critics say that Marlaska’s words are not matched by his actions.

Criticism of Marlaska

Critics of Marlaska say that he is ignoring the fact that the police are violating fundamental rights. They say that Marlaska is more interested in protecting the police than in protecting the rights of citizens.

Critics also say that Marlaska is using the Montoya and Hasél cases to silence dissent. They say that Marlaska is trying to create a climate of fear in which people are afraid to speak out against the government.


The Montoya and Hasél cases have raised serious concerns about the use of excessive force by the Spanish police. These cases have also raised concerns about Marlaska’s commitment to protecting fundamental rights.

It is important to hold the police accountable for their actions. It is also important to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected.

The post “Marlaska hace caso omiso a la vulneración de derechos fundamentales” appeared first on OnTechEdge.
