
Do not pet the cat in these places! You risk irritating him and he can hurt you

Before welcoming a cat at home or considering adopting one, it is useful to learn about its breed, its various behaviors and its preferences in terms of petting to avoid making certain mistakes. not. This pet, although autonomous and independent, is extremely tactile and deserves special attention. Here are some ways to better caress your feline.

Having a pet is a great asset. But cohabitation is not easy, especially with a cat. He is known to be mysterious, enigmatic, capricious and suspicious. It will take patience for him to accept you into his world. You must educate yourself and know as much information as possible about him in order to provide him with the best care. You will also need to observe him regularly to detect all his behavioral subtleties. His body language says a lot about everything he loves and everything he hates. For example, did you know that some caresses make him purr while others make him very uncomfortable? He also likes to be scratched in specific places. Moreover, the more time you spend with him, the better you will be able to decipher him, tame him and meet his expectations.


Chat – Source: spm

Cats can calm a person

One of the big advantages of having a cat at home is that it acts as a natural antidepressant! Indeed, many owners, often under stress in their daily life, recognize that the presence of their cat helps to relax and soothe them. Thus, this little ball of hair is so endearing and endearing that it manages to calm the nerves of its master. According to specialists, if you take good care of your tomcat and he gives it back to you, you will feel a real psychic change in you. You will be less nervous, less anxious, less stressed. A cat has the power to bring joy into the home and transform your moods. Especially at the privileged moment of hugs and caresses. It’s a very pleasant feeling for both the feline and its owner: it’s a very strong moment of complicity where the relationship between the two is consolidated and strengthened. Petting a cat not only reduces stress, but also provides many human and feline health benefits.

What are these health benefits ?

The mere presence of a cat can improve the state of mental health of its master. This pet turns out to be the perfect substitute for some very expensive and sometimes futile therapies. But not only: by multiplying the gestures of affection, according to the experts, you will be less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. According to some surveys, it turns out that cat owners tend to have a more resistant heart.

Contented cats start to growl

Most people think that when a cat starts to growl, it’s a sign of great satisfaction. In many cases, this is indeed true. But, there are also other meanings to the growl: maybe he’s trying to get rid of pain in order to heal faster. Maybe he still senses danger lurking or puts himself in a defensive position to face another threatening animal. These animals can therefore growl for several reasons, including the need to relieve stress, the desire to play with a member of the household or even a sign of great joy when they find their master after a separation. And when he growls, purrs or squirms while receiving caresses from you, it’s a real moment of pleasure for him, and even of nostalgia. Indeed, cats love to be petted, because it reminds them of the coat care provided by their mother. Also, as soon as you start these caresses, they immediately feel confident, protected and safe.

Caresser chat

Caresser chat

To caress cat – Source: spm

Yes, it’s quite an art to know how to caress your tomcat! Just as a human dislikes being touched in certain areas of the body, your cat also has a preference for certain petting and an aversion to others. Learn that the most suitable places are those that concentrate the most scent glands. Cats like to be touched mainly on the head, between the ears, above the nose and on the cheeks. And especially on the back, where it allows you to stroke it even more vigorously or even brush its fur. In fact, all of these areas are the ones he uses to imbue you with these pheromones and to leave his scent marks on your hands. It reassures him completely to find his smell there, he then feels safer!

Do not pet the cat in these places

On the other hand, there are certain parts of his body that you should stay away from. He just doesn’t like it when you venture into these places: it irritates him so much that he can easily scratch you, growl in annoyance or bite you. What are these untouchable areas? These are mainly the legs, tail and sides of the body. Petting these parts tends to irritate him deeply and beyond his violent reaction, he will even move away from you, especially if you have been insistent. That’s why coexistence is never easy with little children who love to play with his tail teasing him. We also advise you to make them aware of the subject to avoid possible domestic accidents.

Good to know

: unlike dogs who love to lie on their backs to be stroked or scratched on their stomachs, this It’s a sensitive area in cats. Some of them will only show it to those they really trust. Others, on the other hand, literally hate being stroked there. Better not go near it! Also avoid caresses on the fur: it is a very unpleasant, even painful sensation, since it feels like you are pulling on its hair.


Nervous cat – Source: spm

As mentioned above, the body language of the cat is fundamental: it is his gestures, his behavior and his attitude that will help you better understand and identify him. . The more you observe him, the better you will feel if he is happy or angry. Over time, you will discover how he reacts to your movements and caresses.

A word of advice: never pet him when he growls, shows his teeth, when he starts biting you or when he seems overexcited or nervous. And most importantly, when petting it, act carefully and without haste. Be extremely gentle and always smooth your cat’s hair with your fingers.

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